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- 성희롱의 예방 및 발생시 대응
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- Routine and ad hoc advice
- Wage system legalization
- Amendment of employment rules/labor contracts
- Advice on labor law amendments
- Responding to labor inspections by the Ministry of Employment and Labor
- Collective bargaining, collective agreements
- Prevention and response to sexual harassment
- Prevention and response to workplace harassment
- Disciplinary procedures
- Shift system reorganization
- Wage system reorganization
- Evaluation system introduction consulting
- Payroll outsourcing (partner companies), etc.
- 부당해고, 부당징계 구제신청
- 노동조합 활동관련 자문
- 부당노동행위 구제신청
- 부당전보 구제신청
- 산업재해 보상
- 직장내 성희롱
- 직장내 괴롭힘 등
- Unfair disciplinary action
- Union related affairs
- Unfair labor practice
- Unfair transferrance
- Industrial accidents
- Sexual harassment at work
- Workplace harassment at work etc.
- 직장내 성희롱 예방교육
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- 유노조 사업장 부당노동행위 교육 등
- Sexual harassment at work
- Labor law for executives
- Legitimate subcontracts
- Unfair labor practices for managers in unionized company, etc.